Young and Furious
塗鴉藝術部分,邀請臺灣塗鴉藝術家林軒毅Colasa 及傅星翰分別展出個人創作,他們各自運用不同的西方宗教元素,呈現自身對時代的反思;香港塗鴉藝術家Xeme 則透過展品呈現對塗鴉藝術的看法。另一位是藝術家Sinic 融合西式塗鴉書法與中式書法,突破「傳統」與「創新」的定義;印尼塗鴉藝術家Arkiv Vilmansa 的塗鴉藝術及潮流公仔作品呈現對社會的批判,以及荷蘭塗鴉藝術家Fleks 作品展現他看世界的角度及所認知的街頭藝術本質。
潮流公仔部分,有美國藝術家Blank William 從好萊塢電影發想的作品;闕君樂Luke Chueh 結合可愛動物與亞洲武打明星李小龍形象的公仔;Miguel Vasquez 將時下流行動畫主角以擬人化方式呈現;Marwan Shahin 用獨特線條表現自身埃及文化特色;印尼藝術家Roby Dwi Antono 使用俏皮的圖像與人體結合,展現對超現實主義的詮釋;加拿大藝術家 Okedoki 展出木質公仔,展現藝術家本身溫潤的特質。此外,本展區還展出專業設計師公仔平臺VTSS 知名作品,包括日本藝術家上野陽介這次展出作品也是與VTSS 合作。本展區還邀請到臺灣藝術家彼得先生,透過牆面彩繪及卡漫作品等多種媒材,呈現他對「人」、「城市空間」及兩者之間的看法。
Street art, graffiti culture and urban art have been incredibly popular among young adultsand teenagers, and therefore, emerged as crucial aesthetic forms of the new generation. This section features a wide range of graffiti works, designer toys, wall paintings and comic creations that embody the artists' interpretations and observations of the youth culture.
Taiwanese graffiti artists Colasa and VASTAR respectively use elements extracted from Western religions to convey their reflections on our time. Hong Kong graffiti artist Xeme exhibits his work to show his concept of graffiti art. Also from Hong Kong, graffiti artist Sinic integrates. Western graffiti and Chinese calligraphy to redefine the meaning of "tradition" and "innovation". Indonesian graffiti artist Arkiv Vilmansa uses his graffiti works and popular toys to deliver his social critiques. The works of Dutch graffiti artist Fleks visualize how he views the world as well as the nature of street art.
American artist Blank William draws inspiration from Hollywood movies to create a series ofdesigner figures. Luke Chueh's work combines images of adorable animals and that of Asian action star, Bruce Lee. Miguel Vasquez personifies popular animation characters. Marwan Shahin uses unique lines to delineate his native Egyptian culture. Indonesian artist Roby Dwi Antono playfully transforms the human body with a surrealist visual syntax. Canadian artist Okedoki's wood figures exude the artist's personal warmth and gentleness. Moreover, the section features the works from the professional designer collectible platform, VTSS, which also produces Japanese artist Yosuke Ueno's designer figure.Taiwanese artist Mr. Peter is also invited to exhibit his wall paintings and comic works that demonstrate his views on "people", "urban space" and the relationship between both.
塗鴉藝術部分,邀請臺灣塗鴉藝術家林軒毅Colasa 及傅星翰分別展出個人創作,他們各自運用不同的西方宗教元素,呈現自身對時代的反思;香港塗鴉藝術家Xeme 則透過展品呈現對塗鴉藝術的看法。另一位是藝術家Sinic 融合西式塗鴉書法與中式書法,突破「傳統」與「創新」的定義;印尼塗鴉藝術家Arkiv Vilmansa 的塗鴉藝術及潮流公仔作品呈現對社會的批判,以及荷蘭塗鴉藝術家Fleks 作品展現他看世界的角度及所認知的街頭藝術本質。
潮流公仔部分,有美國藝術家Blank William 從好萊塢電影發想的作品;闕君樂Luke Chueh 結合可愛動物與亞洲武打明星李小龍形象的公仔;Miguel Vasquez 將時下流行動畫主角以擬人化方式呈現;Marwan Shahin 用獨特線條表現自身埃及文化特色;印尼藝術家Roby Dwi Antono 使用俏皮的圖像與人體結合,展現對超現實主義的詮釋;加拿大藝術家 Okedoki 展出木質公仔,展現藝術家本身溫潤的特質。此外,本展區還展出專業設計師公仔平臺VTSS 知名作品,包括日本藝術家上野陽介這次展出作品也是與VTSS 合作。本展區還邀請到臺灣藝術家彼得先生,透過牆面彩繪及卡漫作品等多種媒材,呈現他對「人」、「城市空間」及兩者之間的看法。
Street art, graffiti culture and urban art have been incredibly popular among young adultsand teenagers, and therefore, emerged as crucial aesthetic forms of the new generation. This section features a wide range of graffiti works, designer toys, wall paintings and comic creations that embody the artists' interpretations and observations of the youth culture.
Taiwanese graffiti artists Colasa and VASTAR respectively use elements extracted from Western religions to convey their reflections on our time. Hong Kong graffiti artist Xeme exhibits his work to show his concept of graffiti art. Also from Hong Kong, graffiti artist Sinic integrates. Western graffiti and Chinese calligraphy to redefine the meaning of "tradition" and "innovation". Indonesian graffiti artist Arkiv Vilmansa uses his graffiti works and popular toys to deliver his social critiques. The works of Dutch graffiti artist Fleks visualize how he views the world as well as the nature of street art.
American artist Blank William draws inspiration from Hollywood movies to create a series ofdesigner figures. Luke Chueh's work combines images of adorable animals and that of Asian action star, Bruce Lee. Miguel Vasquez personifies popular animation characters. Marwan Shahin uses unique lines to delineate his native Egyptian culture. Indonesian artist Roby Dwi Antono playfully transforms the human body with a surrealist visual syntax. Canadian artist Okedoki's wood figures exude the artist's personal warmth and gentleness. Moreover, the section features the works from the professional designer collectible platform, VTSS, which also produces Japanese artist Yosuke Ueno's designer figure.Taiwanese artist Mr. Peter is also invited to exhibit his wall paintings and comic works that demonstrate his views on "people", "urban space" and the relationship between both.