臺灣的塗鴉藝術家,擅長用廢棄媒材,搭配上色,製作再生藝術。曾受邀為周杰倫「功夫熊貓主題曲『try』」設計MV 塗鴉場景、為深圳「嘻哈頒獎典禮(Hip Hop Fusion)」設計「噴漆舞獅」主視覺、為華納電影《自殺突擊隊》彩繪大型牆面塗鴉,以及獲得帆布鞋品牌CONVERSE 肯定,為該品牌的百貨專櫃設計門面。
VASTAR is a Taiwanese graffiti artist who excels in using and coloring disposed materials to create recycled art. He has been invited to create the graffiti art used in the set for Jay Chou's music video of "Try" the theme song of the animated film, Kong Fu Panda. He has also designed the key visual, named "Spraying Dancing Lion" for the award ceremony of Hip Hop Fusion. His work has been included in the Warner Brothers' film, Suicide Squad, and CONVERSE also collaborates with him to create the design of the brand's shops in department stores.
VASTAR is a Taiwanese graffiti artist who excels in using and coloring disposed materials to create recycled art. He has been invited to create the graffiti art used in the set for Jay Chou's music video of "Try" the theme song of the animated film, Kong Fu Panda. He has also designed the key visual, named "Spraying Dancing Lion" for the award ceremony of Hip Hop Fusion. His work has been included in the Warner Brothers' film, Suicide Squad, and CONVERSE also collaborates with him to create the design of the brand's shops in department stores.
On view in this exhibition is VASTAR's work, entitled Last Supper, which is based on the most well-known biblical image. The work strongly expresses the idea that traditional faith and contemporary subcultural art uphold a similar ideal. The artist uses intense colors and exaggerated composition to make the distinctions between traditional aesthetics and the impactful visuality of the graffiti culture. His site-specific work, on the other hand, reveals the process of the divine creation of the world, with flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, light and shadow. Through this work, VASTAR conveys the idea that human beings pursue to surpass the Almighty in creating things within a world created by God, and ironically forget that humanity only lives in the divine blessings and grace.
On view in this exhibition is VASTAR's work, entitled Last Supper, which is based on the most well-known biblical image. The work strongly expresses the idea that traditional faith and contemporary subcultural art uphold a similar ideal. The artist uses intense colors and exaggerated composition to make the distinctions between traditional aesthetics and the impactful visuality of the graffiti culture. His site-specific work, on the other hand, reveals the process of the divine creation of the world, with flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, light and shadow. Through this work, VASTAR conveys the idea that human beings pursue to surpass the Almighty in creating things within a world created by God, and ironically forget that humanity only lives in the divine blessings and grace.