Colasa深受街頭文化影響,在他的創作,一筆一劃所呈現的,都是來自於街頭的色彩和語言。不斷推陳出新的創意總是令人驚艷。憑藉獨樹一格的視覺表現,並融合東方水墨風格,在國際上已建立高人氣知名度。曾受邀與名髮藝職人Sake 葉正茂,跨界合作推出職人「髮.繪」植村秀藝術動態展。
Having been profoundly influenced by street culture, Colasa's works represents the colors and languages from the streets. He is known for his own unique images and ink wash painting internationally. He was invited to collaborate with the hair stylist, Sake, in the art exhibition of Shu Uemura.
Having been profoundly influenced by street culture, Colasa's works represents the colors and languages from the streets. He is known for his own unique images and ink wash painting internationally. He was invited to collaborate with the hair stylist, Sake, in the art exhibition of Shu Uemura.
《最壞的時代也是最好的時代》、《Art Rock》
《最壞的時代也是最好的時代》,係Colasa延伸古羅馬詩人奧維德筆下的 《變形記》,用金、銀、銅、鐵4個時代的分野,並以財富、階級、權力名聲為核心意念,注入新的詮釋意涵,表現出時代逐漸衰頹至谷底後,又再次重生的概念;在現地創作《Art Rock》,係以「藝術搖滾」為靈感來源,試圖擴展純藝術侷限,選擇更具實驗和概念性的觀點,在視覺上放大繪畫元素,以塗鴉筆觸、水墨噴濺包裝當代言辭、流行語彙,最終建構超現實想像空間。
Colasa exhibits his work, The Worst of Times is Also the Best of Times, in this exhibition. Drawing inspiration from the four ages in Roman poet Ovid's Metamorphoses – the Golden,Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages – along with the concept of wealth, class, power and fame, the work portrays the idea that the human civilization will gradually fall to the worst and rise again in a rebirth; hence, the worst of times is also the best. His site-specific work, Art Rock, is inspired by the subgenre of art rock, and aims to expand the scope of fine art by choosing a more experimental and conceptual standpoint. He creates the work with enlarged visual elements while using graffiti and splashing ink to formulate his expressive vocabulary that depicts contemporary popular culture, eventually constructing a surreal, imaginary space.
Colasa exhibits his work, The Worst of Times is Also the Best of Times, in this exhibition. Drawing inspiration from the four ages in Roman poet Ovid's Metamorphoses – the Golden,Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages – along with the concept of wealth, class, power and fame, the work portrays the idea that the human civilization will gradually fall to the worst and rise again in a rebirth; hence, the worst of times is also the best. His site-specific work, Art Rock, is inspired by the subgenre of art rock, and aims to expand the scope of fine art by choosing a more experimental and conceptual standpoint. He creates the work with enlarged visual elements while using graffiti and splashing ink to formulate his expressive vocabulary that depicts contemporary popular culture, eventually constructing a surreal, imaginary space.