Arkiv Vilmansa
印尼的藝術家,是通俗藝術和潮流玩具領域的知名人物,擅長的卡通畫風,帶有強烈的色彩與線條個性,是亞洲倍受矚目的現代藝術家。曾受邀為IKEA 創作個人風格的玻璃擺設,打造出充滿玩味的「Art Event 2018」系列。
《Mickiv is Dead》、《A New Hope》(現場創作)
《Mickiv is Dead》作品,藏有不明顯且抽象的社會批評意味,如早期作品常有卡通式的暴力場景。這些角色反映著單純卻又複雜的人格特質,那些卡通人物雖然面帶微笑,但仍有較不融於社會的肢體語言或行為。這些既可愛又暴力的卡通人物都是Arkiv Vilmansa的作品,都有著令人開心的顏色,以及充滿塗鴉風格的簽名。
Vilmansa embeds implicit, abstract social critiques in his works, such as in Mickiv is Dead.His early works often show violent scenes in a cartoon style. The characters he portrays reflect the personality that is both innocent and complicated. Although these characters wear a smile on their faces, they still display body language or actions that do not conform to social norms. These endearing and violent cartoon characters are all Vilmansa's works with vivid, joyful colors and a graffiti-style signature.
Vilmansa embeds implicit, abstract social critiques in his works, such as in Mickiv is Dead.His early works often show violent scenes in a cartoon style. The characters he portrays reflect the personality that is both innocent and complicated. Although these characters wear a smile on their faces, they still display body language or actions that do not conform to social norms. These endearing and violent cartoon characters are all Vilmansa's works with vivid, joyful colors and a graffiti-style signature.