Luke Chueh
來自美國,名列「超現實主義/低眉藝術」的行列,是當代不容忽視的藝術家。作品大多使用極簡配色,結合可愛動物與暴力美學,游走於喜劇和悲劇之間的模糊界限。他過去幾年利用「熊」這個角色,打造出專屬自己的極簡風格,深受藏家喜愛。如《Bruised Lee Gold Black》將可愛動物和暴力血腥結合,東西方文化交融的李小龍熊概念,喜劇與悲劇交叉的感覺,正是大家所喜歡的;《Jiangshi》小殭屍幽靈熊作品結合了他最為人熟知的熊角色,同時加入了猶如 pac man 般的線條感,融合了帶有中國風味的符咒圖案,像極了可愛的幽靈熊。此作品加入知名大型電玩機臺-小精靈的線條感,並有著中國風格的符咒,可以重複貼上撕下。
American artist Luke Chueh is a contemporary force to be reckoned with when one talks about contemporary surrealism and lowbrow art. His work is mostly created with a simple palette and combined with endearing animals and an aesthetics of violence, immersing viewers in an atmosphere posited between the comic and the tragic. In the past few years, he has been focusing on the motif of "bear" to create a minimalistic style that is very well-received among collectors. Bruised Lee Gold Black brings together adorable animals and violent, bloody scenes, creating a mixed sense of sorrow and joy that his audience favors. Jiangshi is one of his earlier works, which is reminiscent of the contour of the arcade game character, Pac-Man, with a Chinese-style written charm on the figure's forehead that can be taken down and pasted repeatedly.
American artist Luke Chueh is a contemporary force to be reckoned with when one talks about contemporary surrealism and lowbrow art. His work is mostly created with a simple palette and combined with endearing animals and an aesthetics of violence, immersing viewers in an atmosphere posited between the comic and the tragic. In the past few years, he has been focusing on the motif of "bear" to create a minimalistic style that is very well-received among collectors. Bruised Lee Gold Black brings together adorable animals and violent, bloody scenes, creating a mixed sense of sorrow and joy that his audience favors. Jiangshi is one of his earlier works, which is reminiscent of the contour of the arcade game character, Pac-Man, with a Chinese-style written charm on the figure's forehead that can be taken down and pasted repeatedly.