Chen,Wei / Li,Chon-gde
藝術家陳薇及李崇德於2018年共同成立「WUWUNUNA Studio」品牌,主張以自身感知與觀者心靈產生共鳴,同時主張美學融入生活氛圍。
The married couple, Chen Wei and Lee Chung-Te, founded WUWUNUNA Studio in 2018. The core spirit of the brand aims to resonate with viewers through their personal sensibility as well as to incorporate aesthetics into daily life.
The married couple, Chen Wei and Lee Chung-Te, founded WUWUNUNA Studio in 2018. The core spirit of the brand aims to resonate with viewers through their personal sensibility as well as to incorporate aesthetics into daily life.
《愛的主義kissisam 畫作》
The spatial installation, Kissism, created by the duo originates from an experimental concept that transforms their imagination into artistic design. Using fashion elements, along with the approach of art installation, their work embodies their intricate fabrication of diverse scenarios as well as their vision of wearable. Integrating the overall space and objects, the artists create a space that viewers can meander through while generating a resonance with them.
The spatial installation, Kissism, created by the duo originates from an experimental concept that transforms their imagination into artistic design. Using fashion elements, along with the approach of art installation, their work embodies their intricate fabrication of diverse scenarios as well as their vision of wearable. Integrating the overall space and objects, the artists create a space that viewers can meander through while generating a resonance with them.