街頭藝術家,由街頭廣告惡搞塗鴉進而開始設計玩具,並成立潮流品牌,進軍潮流服飾市場,利用各樣獨有的Kaws 式代表元素,延伸至服飾,為優衣庫、芝麻街、Bape、Undercover、realmad HECTIC、Clot 等熱門街頭品牌設計服飾進行聯名企劃。同時與日本品牌realmad HECTIC 以及Bounty Hunter 合作的小型乙烯基玩具《伴侶》,在流行藝術商業圈引起潮流,隨後製作的《伴侶》衍伸版更在世界各地的美術館展出,而他也將「XX」圖樣融入許多創作中,成為他的註冊商標。
Kaws, as a street artist, has made his own way from spoofing advisement on the streets, toy design, to found a streetwear brand in clothing market. He has collaborated with fashion name brands, such as the Japanese brands UNIQLO, realmad HECTIC, Sesame Street, Bape, Undercover, and Clot. Also, the vinyl toy, Companion, his collaboration with realmad HECTIC and Bounty Hunter has generated a wave of designer toys in the popular art scene as well as the commercial market. Various versions of Companion have also been showcased in art museums worldwide. He puts "XX" into his artworks and it becomes his iconic trademark.
Kaws, as a street artist, has made his own way from spoofing advisement on the streets, toy design, to found a streetwear brand in clothing market. He has collaborated with fashion name brands, such as the Japanese brands UNIQLO, realmad HECTIC, Sesame Street, Bape, Undercover, and Clot. Also, the vinyl toy, Companion, his collaboration with realmad HECTIC and Bounty Hunter has generated a wave of designer toys in the popular art scene as well as the commercial market. Various versions of Companion have also been showcased in art museums worldwide. He puts "XX" into his artworks and it becomes his iconic trademark.
Dissected Companion (Gray)
《解剖同伴》是Kaws 非常受歡迎的作品之一,以卡通米老鼠造型為創作發想,把米老鼠活潑可愛的頭像改為骷髏頭,鑲著四顆大牙與「XX」眼,穿著相同的服裝與手套,姿態和動作更貼近大眾,顯示它有著和人類一樣的感情,內心也有悲傷、歡樂、害羞、疲倦或不知所措的情感。
Dissected Companion is also one of Kaw's extremely popular series. The artist switches half of Mickey Mouse's adorable head with a skull, gives it four prominent teeth and two "XX" for the eyes, and has it wear an identical outfit and gloves as the cartoon character. The posture and action are similar to that of a human, showing that the figure has human emotions and might feel sad, happy, shy, tired or lost.
Dissected Companion is also one of Kaw's extremely popular series. The artist switches half of Mickey Mouse's adorable head with a skull, gives it four prominent teeth and two "XX" for the eyes, and has it wear an identical outfit and gloves as the cartoon character. The posture and action are similar to that of a human, showing that the figure has human emotions and might feel sad, happy, shy, tired or lost.