Death NYC
來自紐約的街頭藝術家,Death 實際上是Don't Easily Abandon The Hope(不要輕易放棄夢想)的縮寫,認為只有保持匿名身分,才能讓她更為自由的在街上創作。Death 會把“Death is FREE”的字樣噴遍New York City 的大街小巷。Death NYC 的作品多以戲謔的角度解讀當前的主流媒體,將在社群之間流行的圖像,以扭曲或是調笑的方式嵌入不同的圖像之中,完成對現世的批判。
Death NYC is an street artist from New York City. The pseudonym "Death" stands for "Don't Easily Abandon the Hope". Using a pseudonym allows the artist to maintain freedom in street art creation. She sprays "Death is FREE" on the streets in New York City. The artworks of Death NYC reveal a sarcasm targeted towards mainstream media, and she presents her own critique about the modern world by twisting or combining popular icons.
Death NYC is an street artist from New York City. The pseudonym "Death" stands for "Don't Easily Abandon the Hope". Using a pseudonym allows the artist to maintain freedom in street art creation. She sprays "Death is FREE" on the streets in New York City. The artworks of Death NYC reveal a sarcasm targeted towards mainstream media, and she presents her own critique about the modern world by twisting or combining popular icons.
本次展出《Death》系列作品為Death NYC 用戲謔的角度對經典名作進行「惡搞」,並二次加工了其他很多主流社會和媒體所宣揚的事物。如村上隆的太陽花、夢露、經典卡通動漫形象史努比、米老鼠等都被進行了二次創作,與奢侈品LV、愛馬仕、香奈兒、潮流品牌Supreme 等元素相結合,完成對當下奢侈品文化、流行文化及快餐文化的反思與批判。
Her artworks in this exhibition demonstrate that Death NYC uses icons or images from the mainstream to make spoof of the classic works, such as the images of Murakami's art piece, Marilyn Monroe, Snoopy, and Mickey Mouse. She combines these images with the elements of Louis Vuitton, Hermes, and Chanel, Supreme to show her critiques and reflection about luxury items, pop culture, and fast-food culture.
Her artworks in this exhibition demonstrate that Death NYC uses icons or images from the mainstream to make spoof of the classic works, such as the images of Murakami's art piece, Marilyn Monroe, Snoopy, and Mickey Mouse. She combines these images with the elements of Louis Vuitton, Hermes, and Chanel, Supreme to show her critiques and reflection about luxury items, pop culture, and fast-food culture.