綽號「雷包」的雷曉臻,是「包•手作羊毛氈」品牌創辦人。原本就喜歡手作的雷曉臻,接觸羊毛氈創作後,就一頭栽入,毅然結束長達16 年軍旅生涯,決心投入羊毛氈藝術創作,創立品牌。她打破羊毛氈「紮實」的傳統做法,創造出鬆軟的質感。一顆顆幾可亂真的「古早味麵包」,讓雷曉臻贏得「羊毛氈界的吳寶春」封號,更被視為「臺灣的新食尚伴手禮」。雷包想用羊毛氈來寫大家的故事,從食物題材開始,找出更感動人的故事。
Nicknamed "Lei Bao", Lei Shiao-Jean is the founder of a needle-felted handbag brand. Lei has always favored handmade works. After learning needle felting, she decided to leave a sixteenyear career in the army and started her own career as a needle felting artist by founding her own brand. She departs from the traditional "solid" needle felting to create a soft, puffy texture that makes her needle-felted, traditional bread incredibly realistic. She has therefore been given the title, "Wu Pao-Chun of the needlefelting world", and her works have also become a popular souvenir representative of Taiwan. Lei hopes to portray people's stories with needle felting, and the subject of food has allowed her to unearth many heartwarming stories.
Nicknamed "Lei Bao", Lei Shiao-Jean is the founder of a needle-felted handbag brand. Lei has always favored handmade works. After learning needle felting, she decided to leave a sixteenyear career in the army and started her own career as a needle felting artist by founding her own brand. She departs from the traditional "solid" needle felting to create a soft, puffy texture that makes her needle-felted, traditional bread incredibly realistic. She has therefore been given the title, "Wu Pao-Chun of the needlefelting world", and her works have also become a popular souvenir representative of Taiwan. Lei hopes to portray people's stories with needle felting, and the subject of food has allowed her to unearth many heartwarming stories.
Pineapple Bun
本次作品以臺灣70 年代古早味麵包為題材,巧手創作菠蘿麵包、肉鬆麵包等一系列迷你復古餐點,超逼真呈現臺式古早味麵包的樣式和色澤,細而不膩的散發濃濃臺灣味,用作品說更多臺灣的故事和文化,創意令人激賞。「有溫度」、「有情感」、「有力量」就是「包•手作羊毛氈」真正想述說的作品呈現,羊毛氈不只是羊毛氈;麵包也不只是麵包,而是更多背後感動人的故事。
In the exhibition, Lei shows a series of works based on the nostalgic theme of Taiwanese bread from the 70s. The retro-style bread, such as the mini pineapple bun and the mini pork floss bun, realistically shows the style and color of Taiwanese bakery in the early days with an unforgettable and exquisite Taiwanese flavor. Lei's creativity and endeavor in portraying Taiwan's story and culture through her work have won her much praise. Warmth, sentiments and strength are what her brand aims to convey. Because of her work, needle felting and bread have become something greater that tells many touching stories.
In the exhibition, Lei shows a series of works based on the nostalgic theme of Taiwanese bread from the 70s. The retro-style bread, such as the mini pineapple bun and the mini pork floss bun, realistically shows the style and color of Taiwanese bakery in the early days with an unforgettable and exquisite Taiwanese flavor. Lei's creativity and endeavor in portraying Taiwan's story and culture through her work have won her much praise. Warmth, sentiments and strength are what her brand aims to convey. Because of her work, needle felting and bread have become something greater that tells many touching stories.