Murakami Takashi
日本當代藝術家,日本後現代藝術風格—超扁平(superflat)運動的創始人。作品豐富多元,大多使用來自日本傳統和流行文化的元素,來傳遞「可愛」、「迷幻」或「諷刺」的內容,最著名的「超扁平」特色包括重複的微笑花朵、蘑菇、頭骨、佛教肖像,甚至來自宅男文化的性題材。村上隆曾與諸多潮流品牌合作,包含為知名潮流品牌Supreme 與Vans 設計滑板、與UNIQLO 合作推出主題聯名等、與Louis Vuitton 合作推出 Murakami Multicolore 系列手袋等。
Takashi Murakami is Japanese contemporary artist, the founder of "Superflat" art movement. Takashi Murakami's art practice produces a diversified body of works, which use the elements of Japanese tradition and pop culture to convey the content of "cute", "psychedelic", and "ironic". The most iconoclastic "Superflat" elements are the recurring smiley flowers, mushrooms, skulls, Buddhist images, and subject matters derived from the Japanese Otaku culture. He collaborated with many fashion brands, such as Supreme, Vans, UNIQLO, and Louis Vuitton.
Takashi Murakami is Japanese contemporary artist, the founder of "Superflat" art movement. Takashi Murakami's art practice produces a diversified body of works, which use the elements of Japanese tradition and pop culture to convey the content of "cute", "psychedelic", and "ironic". The most iconoclastic "Superflat" elements are the recurring smiley flowers, mushrooms, skulls, Buddhist images, and subject matters derived from the Japanese Otaku culture. He collaborated with many fashion brands, such as Supreme, Vans, UNIQLO, and Louis Vuitton.
Flowers from the Village of Ponkotan
誇張的配色,重複出現的簡單造型,配上獨一無二的「超扁平風格」就是村上隆的招牌藝術。本次展出《澗聲白金》、《66 星球》、《小花球(3-D)》、《小村落的小花》版畫作品,將會看到村上隆作品標誌,小花、水母、DOB 君,讓人驚嘆他構圖與配色,如此鮮艷但不衝突,展現村上隆的純熟技巧與高品質。
The bold color usage, recurring simple icons, and the style of "Superflat" are the iconic features of Murakami's artworks. His artworks in this exhibition, Kansei Platinum, Planet 66, Flower ball (3-D), Flowers From The Village of Ponkotan, shows his spectacular composition and the usage of colors by his iconic symbols, such as flowers, jellyfish and DOB.
The bold color usage, recurring simple icons, and the style of "Superflat" are the iconic features of Murakami's artworks. His artworks in this exhibition, Kansei Platinum, Planet 66, Flower ball (3-D), Flowers From The Village of Ponkotan, shows his spectacular composition and the usage of colors by his iconic symbols, such as flowers, jellyfish and DOB.