「Sakubo design」是由韓國「塑雕家、電影導演」夫妻組成的設計團隊,目前活躍於韓國、臺灣、香港等地。俊寶Zunbo 是「Sakubo design」的第一個作品,並且曾參加過臺北國際玩具創作大展及臺灣文博會展出。
Sakubo design is a design team established by a married Korean sculptor and film director couple, and has been active in Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Zunbo is their first work and has been showcased in Taipei Toy Festival and the Creative Expo Taiwan.
Sakubo design is a design team established by a married Korean sculptor and film director couple, and has been active in Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Zunbo is their first work and has been showcased in Taipei Toy Festival and the Creative Expo Taiwan.
Sakubo 不論在平面作品或雕塑上,都有一種類似影像的特殊表現角度,尤其展現出類似影像手法的空間感,題材上也有類似繪本概念的故事性格,別有自己創作的特色。本次展出作品是以一顆溪水裡的小石頭為原型,創作出俊寶Zunbo,上山下海體驗各式自然生活。純白陶瓷及簡單的線條,一抹憨厚的大大微笑掛在俊寶臉上,看著他,心靈瞬間被療癒!
Both of Sakubo's graphic works and sculptures demonstrate a unique perspective reminiscent of cinematic films, particularly the sense of space shaped with cinematic approaches and their storytelling approaches similar to illustration books. In this exhibition, Zunbo assumes the role of a small pebble in a creek and experiences different life style in nature. With white porcelain and simple lines, Zumbo has a big smile on his face. People feel comforted just by watching his face.
Both of Sakubo's graphic works and sculptures demonstrate a unique perspective reminiscent of cinematic films, particularly the sense of space shaped with cinematic approaches and their storytelling approaches similar to illustration books. In this exhibition, Zunbo assumes the role of a small pebble in a creek and experiences different life style in nature. With white porcelain and simple lines, Zumbo has a big smile on his face. People feel comforted just by watching his face.